
Monday, June 6, 2016

Optimal operation of a smart residential microgrid based on model predictive control by considering uncertainties and storage impacts

ABSTRACT: A model predictive control (MPC) based coordinated operation framework for a grid-connected residential microgrid with considering forecast errors is presented in this paper. This residential microgrid composes renewable energy resources (e.g., wind and solar), distributed generators (e.g., CHP), energy storages (e.g., battery bank and water tank), electrical vehicle, and smart loads (e.g. HVAC and washing machine). A novel mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem is optimized at each decision time, on the basis of the short-term forecasts of renewable energy resources generation, load demand, and electricity price. This MILP problem is integrated into a MPC framework to reduce the negative impacts of forecast errors. Case study which considers forecast uncertainties is implemented for evaluating the performance of the proposed method and the traditional method is used. Besides, peak power price mechanism which is used to smooth the power exchanged with external grid is also considered. Moreover, a further sensitivity analysis is realized in order to discuss the impacts of energy storage units on the microgrid operation. Simulation results show that the proposed method is economic and flexible.

COMMENT: Before this paper, I was still searching for what are the attributions useful for energy management and didn't have any idea about energy management. I refer to its introduction for devices and uses the attribution as sample temporarily. But it talks optimal operation from perspective of smart microgrid without any consideration of building. Anyway, it extends my thinking and promote my work.


Automatic Generation of 3D Building Models with Multiple Roofs (12.3 Literature Review, Zhang Yuanyi)

Abstract: Based on building footprints (building polygons) on digital maps, we are proposing the GIS and CG integrated system that automatically generates 3D building models with multiple roofs. Most buildingpolygons’ edges meet at right angles (orthogonal polygon). The integrated system partitions orthogonal building polygons into a set of rectangles and places rectangular roofs and box-shaped building bodies on these rectangles. In order to partition an orthogonal polygon, we proposed a useful polygon expression in deciding from which vertex a dividing line is drawn. In this paper, we propose a new scheme for partitioning building polygons and show the process of creating 3D roof models.

Key words: 3D building model; 3D urban model; automatic generation; CG; GIS; polygon partitioning


Virtual Reality As a New Tool in the City Planning Process

Kaj Sunesson**, Carl Martin Allwood, Dan Paulin, Ilona Heldal,
Mattias Roupé, Mikael Johansson, Börje Westerdahl
Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden

ISSN􀀂 1007-0214􀀂 41/67􀀂 pp255-260
Volume 13, Number S1, October 2008

Abstract: The introduction of virtual reality (VR)-models in the city planning process will cause changes in the traditional roles of the involved parties. In order to better understand some of these changes, the events involving the use of VR-models in an architectural competition concerning rebuilding-proposals for the city library in a Swedish city were analyzed. The study shows that VR was introduced into the competition as an extra add-on and that the VR-presentation was experienced as useful by the jury. The transformation of the architects’ contributions into VR was experienced as problematic by the architects, partly because they lost full control over the presentation. In the future architects are likely to have to produce the VR-models for their proposals themselves. This may make it more difficult for smaller architectural firms to enter the market but their proposals will be more accessible to a wider group of stakeholders.

Key words: architecture; architectural competition; city planning; construction planning; VR-models

the article source:

presented by 李雪飛


Virtual Reality Use in Architectural Design Studios

Virtual Reality Use in Architectural Design Studios: A case of studying structure and construction

Wael A. Abdelhameed*

University of Bahrain, Isa Twon, PO Box 32038, Bahrain



This research applies micro-simulation function, with XML algorithms made by the researcher, inside a virtual reality environment, the VR Studio programme. The research utilises this function of the VR program in architectural design studios. The main objective is to investigate how and to what extend students would benefit from applying this new potential of the VR function. The hypothesis was that the function potential would assist students to have more understanding of the structural system selected, which would be simultaneously beneficial on the architectural design level.

The students used the VR programme during the design process in the stage of proposing and exploring the structural system. The used application focuses on providing the students with an effective tool to select and visualise a structural system and its construction process. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to the students to record their remarks and opinions of using the VR function. The questionnaire replies indicate and open more areas than the hypothesis. The research methodology is to use mainly qualitative analysis and secondarily quantitative analysis, to have evaluation that indicates the effectiveness of Virtual Reality as an educational tool in the architectural design studio. The research employs the VR Studio programme in order to introduce new visualization potentials other than what are currently used. The research concludes to solid results of the use of VR in the architectural design studio, and proceeds further to open new research venues.

© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the programme committee of the 2013 International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education.

Keywords: Virtual Reality ; Design Studio; Architectural Education; Micro-Simulation.




2050日本低炭素社会シナリオチーム[3]により,ビジョン1はドラえもんの社会(技術革新型)とし,ビジョン2はサツキとメイの家(自然回帰型)とされ,それぞれについてのイラストが挙げられた.しかし,このように2つのビジョンは示されているものの,行政計画において,具体的な都市イメージは文章で書かれていることがほとんどであり,今後どちらの都市像になっていくかは定かではない. 本研究では,実在都市を対象にVRVirtual Reality)の技術で再現し,どのような都市像が2050年の都市に求められているのかを検討することを目的とする.


2012.05.10 李雪飛


The Use of 3d Design Tools With Game-Like Functionality and
Physiological Information in Urban Planning and Architectural Design(2011)

Various visualization design tools such as CG and VR have been widely used in the process of architectural design and urban planning. The applications of these tools not only assist the designers but also make it possible to involve other relevant professionals and ordinary residents. For many years, we have been studying and experimenting the applications of design tools with good outcomes. In order to enable more convenient applications of the tools in the design process and instigate the interests of additional parties of relevance, we have added entertainment function to the design tools.

In addition to the established functions of walk/fly through in VR space, and changes of shape and position of architecture by operation of a mouse, we supplement a 3-dimention database. In a process of design, the contents of the database, including 2-D figures and 3-D objects, can be deployed and used for reference, modification and comparison. These new functions promote users experience as if the user is playing some computer games.

In order to test the results of game-like design tools, we examined the status of users during the design process when these tools were employed. Comparison of the results collected from questionnaire and physiological data indicated the unique effectiveness of game-like design tools.

The data collected were then visualized by chaos analysis. Comparison of the processed data indicated the different brain status when a user applies these tools in the design and showed the effectiveness of the tools and their impact on the designer. Our results support the usefulness of game-like design tools and may lead to further developments of contents and methods to advance such tools.

Our study shows that pulse data are influenced by many factors and chaos analysis may be used to provide certain insights into the brain activation and physiological conditions of human body. Further analysis of the results may shed more light on the factors influencing human conditions under various circumstances based on similar data.


2012.04.19 李 雪飛

A virtual globe-based 3d visualization and interactive framework for public participation in urban planning processes

  • LIESMARS, Wuhan University, 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079, China

Publicparticipation is very important for the success of an urbanplanning project, since anyurbanplanning project will ultimately become part of the everyday life of the public. Most members of the general public are not urbanplanning professionals; therefore, well-designed visualization andinteractive tools can help expand their participation in urbanplanningprocesses. The emerging technology of virtualglobe-based3Dvisualization is a unique opportunity to facilitate publicparticipationin urbanplanning projects by promoting intuitive 3D interaction, instant interoperability and seamless integration of 3Dvisualization with other traditional text and multimedia information channels. This paper discusses the technical issues of developing avirtualglobe-based3Dvisualizationframework for publicizing urbanplanning information, using Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to support visual planning model sharing and interoperability. With 3D photorealistic visualization, end users can conveniently obtain both the macro-vision of a project on the global scale and the micro-details on the street scale, using swift zooming tools like Google Earth. End users can select any availableurbanplanning solution for visual investigation and comparison in avirtualglobe-based3Dvisualizationenvironment. The service oriented architecture allows urbanplanning information to be deployed as aservice in one server or several geographically distributed servers, or even from the end user’s own computer. With the architecture’s capability for integrating distributed resources, other traditionalinteractive functions such as labeling, BBS, forum, and email, can also be conveniently integrated into the system. Auxiliary spatial analysis tools are integrated to help end users perform “professional” tasks such as sunlight analysis and 3D distance measurement. This highly distributed system is designed for the Internet; therefore, any personal computer connected to the Internet can easily access the system and participate in the interaction.